Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Queenly Treatment of Women – A Law?

A regular topic in women’s magazines, talk shows, and health and parenting magazines is the self-neglect of women. Most often the point that is stressed is that women as hardworking as they are need to put themselves first. That women need to take care of themselves and a healthy dose of self pampering and selfishness is necessary. It is indeed true, given the stress of everyday lives. Add to it circumstances of postpartum, menopause, or pre and post menstrual periods. Often the example of the airplane oxygen mask is given where travelers are advised to put the mask on themselves first before attending to children or others. As rampant as this advice is, for most women an element of guilt always accompanies the self indulgency.
The religion of Islam contrary to popular belief and practice pampers the woman with many rights. Some of the God given rights of a  muslim are woman  are testification in court, pursual of education, earn, marry, divorce, gain custody of children amongst many other rights including but not limited to the right to good conduct from her husband. Little known is the fact that Islam grants the woman civil, political, social and economic rights.
Financial Obligations of a Muslim Woman – None!
The Quran says,”…to men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn…” (4:32).
 A Muslim woman has complete rights over their property: inheritance, gifts or earnings. She may choose to use her property as she pleases. If she does wish to spend on her family, she may do so although she is not obliged to. 
The Quran says, "And give the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift; but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you, take it and enjoy it with right good cheer" (4:4)
The responsibility of providing for the family falls on the shoulders of the man. The man is obliged for the upkeep of his wife and children.
The Quran says,Men are the protectors and maintainers of women” (4:34)
 “And it is on the father - to him their food and their clothing with fairness” (2:233).
This frees up the woman in terms of finance. So what do you do with the money? How many times have you come across something and wondered, “I wish I could buy that” or “If I had a little bit more, I would help.” With complete control over your money you could spend, save, invest or give; whatever be on your mind: be it chocolates, cars, or charity!

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