Saturday, September 15, 2012

Of rain showers and lightning...

Your good deed will not cause a rain shower and your bad deed will not summon a lightning strike on your head.

However it alters your personality.

If you unknowingly do something wrong it changes your personality in a subtle way and if you knowingly do something wrong you alter your personality in a drastic way.

Everything you do is either making your brain or breaking your brain.

Each one of us is imperfect; those of us born with normal beautiful perfect bodies realize it late.

How To Find Out If An Online Shop Has Lowered Price of an Item you Like

Not all online shops send out a Facebook notification whenever they lower a price. Here is an easy way to be personally notified  a.k.a via email whenever the price of an item you are eyeing is reduced in price.
  1. Goto
  2. Fill details for page address and send alert to.

You will get notification whenever the webpage changes, whenever the prices are lowered or increased.