Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dark -Entry : Your Last Word On Earth

A town in Massachusetts will apparently fine you $20 for littering the air with cuss words. Makes me wonder the reason why remembrances such as InshaAllah, MashaAllah, SubhanAllah, Alhamdullilah and the like were put in place: because humans use words to vent anger. And might as well meet adversity with the Creators name. So as a muslim, next time you drive your car into an accident, and you feel the urge to drop an F-bomb, remember the remembrance of God. You never know it maybe your last word.

Google search keywords "taj mahal breath away"

Dear Muslim, 

Do you find the Quranic Paradise ridiculous and unbelievable? 

  • "Houris reserved in pavilions" [55:72] 
  • "and(as for) those who believe and do good works - We tax not any soul beyond its scope - Such are rightful owners of the Garden."[7:42]
  •  and "for them are built lofty rooms, one above the other, under which rivers flow."[39:20] and "and beautiful mansions in Gardens of everlasting bliss"[9:72].

 And yet a similar thing on earth literally takes your breath away.

Source: via Amused on Pinterest

App Review : QuranWorks

In the wake of the month of Ramadan I brought an Ipad app called QuranWorks.

Price: Juz 30 free to try. 10 $ for the entire Quran.

The UX/UI aspect of this product is the most appealing feature. The interface is very soothing -- pages that flip at the slightest brush of the fingertips. One can easily read the Quran for hours together without an eye strain.
Since it is an Ipad app, you don't need a rayhal (though I love a wooden rayhals'  filigree work) and neither will your hands tire of holding the hard copy version.

However, I wish the app had the "finger-cursor" feature. If I were to place my finger on a word, the word alone should be be recited. This would be a useful feature for people of the indian subcontinent whose Arabic comes in fits and starts -- those of us who made the art of  reading the Quran a.k.a tajweed the least of our priorities.

Also I wonder why the voice recitation has a white noise in the background when it can be easily removed using free tools like Audacity.

Also in the voice recitation mode I would love to see a  word highlight feature as opposed to a sentence highlight feature. A developer from Kerala, whose company is called Sha Plus,  has a Quran software that has a  word by word meaning display for Surah's 78 to 114. So far Sha Plus is the only Quran product that I have come across has the unique word by word feature.

However, I would highly  recommend Quran Works  for its soothing interface. It is in the true likeness of the Quran.