Friday, August 24, 2012

Embarrassed by the Athan Software

Aaah... the benefits of the portable athan.... Not!

The athan software recently went of during a job boot camp session at my uni. It went off uptil 'Allaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.......' after which I quickly pressed the mute button on my laptop.

The north indian and south indian girls  next to me gave me a "are-you-crazy-out-of-your-mind" look. I have my doubts anyone in the room made any sense out of what had emanated from my laptop. A bunch of guys did giggle; however they were muslim guys and hence quickly understood what I had set off.

It recently went off on my iPad while I was on the subway.  However the volume was set at low and I acted like "it wasn't me".

My friend said it once went off while he was giving a presentation. Another friend said it went off while he was taking a Skype video interview and he ended up apologizing because the software had hung up, but the athan voice was intact; the interviewee suddenly felt at ease during the course of the interview due to the pause in the interview.

I have limited its installation to my home computer.

Have you been in a similar situation?  Please share in the comments below.

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